I rush down to my local butcher, Idsøe (dating back to 1828), and pick up some nice pieces of shoulder of lamb. Its in season, and Slayer are sharpening their axes. After getting some nice cabbage from my next door grocery shop I slice it with brutal efficiency and lethal precision on my kitchen bench. Chop chop you dead. I get a big pot, throw it at the neighbours car, get a new and bigger pot,and start prepping. Sliced cabbage, lamb, sea salt and whole pepper corns, and then repeat infinitely. Instead of water, I pour some Chimay Red and Vanderghinste Oud Bruin from Bockor, making a fruity, malty and a little sourish stock for the meat and cabbage to soak in for about 90 minutes at close to boiling temperatures with the lid on. POW! SMASH!! BLOINGH! CRASH!! IT`S ALIIIIIIVE!!!....*

(Fårikål is Norway's national dish)
Behold. I have created an awesome dish. Salty, peppery, malty,
cabbagey, meaty yumminess. Easy to make, cheap and perfect for those early autumn mosh pits.I devour it accompanied with a nice glass of Baladin Birra Lurisia Sei. Life is good, and suddenly that mead video is not so bad after all.
( The recipe was inspired by my fellow beer blogger colleague,
beer enthusiast and bringer of great Italian beers, Jørn Idar Almås Kvig of
Beer Enthusiast/ Høyt Skum)
Cheers from Kjetil
And what did you see, Clarice? What did you see?
Starling: Lambs. The lambs were screaming.
They were slaughtering the spring lambs?
And they were screaming.